Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Journey of Life - A Thought

As on one end the world virtually becomes a more concise idea due to the various modes of communication and fast modes of travel and the will and interest of man to learn more about others of the same kind, interests tend to shift as we advance.

Although natural selection that occurs in the primitive state of it, I i think it none the less does happen in a way that we are unable to comprehend at a conscious level, but it is important that one notices "it", as "it" is like any other piece of information that plays no role when one is ignorant of it, and when one is aware it tends of influence certain decisions of ours at a concious level.

The reason why I am putting down my thoughts as crude as they may sound, is because I hope that when I, in time decide to do my phd in psychology, perhaps I will consider this as one of things I would like to test. My interest stems from incidents in my life.

About 5 years ago, my parents went to Terry- a counselor at Xavier's- my alma mater, to get their IQ tested. On the day the result was to be told, Terry asked my parents if they had had a love marriage, and I know how much that is far from the truth, the reason for him asking so was because their IQ's were very close to each other and on a higher side. Ofcourse this at the time seemed to be an incident of jest.

As I dated people in college and out of I some how was not happy in my relationships and of course they in no time fell apart. And I began thinking why it is so, what does it take for a relationship to work.
I began thinking of all the pieces of advice people give, "you need to work hard in a relationship", "relationships are not easy", "relationships need more effort that even your JOB" - that was the most amusing I heard, because was'nt a relationship keep you together in times of even a depression in the cycle of your career. Why were things so contradictory?!!

Coupling and tripling events that I have experiences including my current relationship and observing people around me. People with certain backgrounds tend to get together, people with similar families get together-(talking exclusively of India- will attempt to deal with this at a global level perhaps in the next article) and so on.

Considering, location (area of residence, college time, work place etc) I noticed that people who are on a similar platform as far as one's intelligence level is concerned seem to have more successful relationships in modern India. This probably makes communication and interests converge at some level, and at a discreet unconscious level I think we may be selecting people who match our intellect or in the least challenge it! In essence we tend to look for matches that we can relate with on an intellectual platform.

Further, I would even not fall back from inclining towards the thought of- one's emotional level also perhaps having a very similar effect on Us choosing our partners.

Into Emotion (

(I really wanted to capture what it felt like to fall in to the inky black depths of emotion. Sometimes it’s so overwhelming you just fall into them. Really tried to capture that renascence feeling through the colour and the flicker of the cloth to really push that falling into emotion is beautiful and has gone on for countless years. I used a woman because she represents the female emotional side to really dive home the helplessness that emotions induce. Taken as it is from the site of the photographer as an ironical inclusion in the article)

So, the persons having a higher intellect choose similar partners and produce children with higher intellect, and this may be applicable to the other spectrum of intelligence, this basically ensures that natural selection does take place, perhaps with a display of intellect instead of physical strength.!
The dimmer population does not have to be eradicated off the earth, but are kept aside in a natural way.

(The above article are developing personal views and does not consider and formal influencing factors and does not intend to offence anyone)
(The article does not use the term Natural selection in its biological sense)

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