Saturday, April 16, 2005


Bankruptsy is a situation people like us would not actually like to be in. But American daily sets new trends for the rest to follow.
The lastest of USAs trends is bankruptsy, easier said than done, it needs elaborate planning in order to land up bankrupt & there after evade the debts you owe.

USA & Britain have always had the most debtor-friendly bankruptcy laws, enabling bankrupt individuals to live life in peace even if they fall into huge debts by protecting them against their own debts. Since it is easy for persons to evade such bills very naturally the number of bankrupt companies has expanded mammothly in the past 20 years .
- 2005 ; 35,898 people filed for bankruptcy protection. A proof of the amount of people planning to go bankrupt.
The US legeslation is trying to amend laws in order to make the constitution less debt friendly as the fact that the debter is the sole villain behind all of it. More & more people seem to be seeking debt protection & are falling into huge debts.

Congress clearly blames the debtor, not his financial enabler. The new bill will make it harder for individuals to declare Chapter 7, the most common form of bankruptcy, which allows debtors to walk away from their debts, often while shielding exempt assets like cars and homes. Those whose income is above the median in their state, and who are able to pay at least $100 a month after allowed expenses, will be forced to enter Chapter 13, where they must repay at least part of their debt over five years. Debtors will have to document their income more extensively and go for credit counselling. Serial Chapter 13 filings, which are often used to stave off foreclosure or eviction, will be blocked.

All the while Europeans are quite bemused at the immorality of American citizens they might also wonder why Americans are so eager to move their bankruptcy law closer to Europe’s—especially since Europe is busily trying to emulate America. Until around 20 years ago, consumer bankruptcy didn’t even exist in many European countries, and corporate bankruptcy was a draconian process too dreadful for all but the most desperate managers to contemplate. Since then, these nations have relaxed their laws precisely because they see the economic benefits this has brought America.

Bankruptsy seems to be seeping in now as its benefits outrun the losses.....................!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

TERRI SCHIAVO- A n ordinary life & an extra ordinary death

The debate on life & death continues & probably will. However the concerned individual does not even have a say considering that it is he who is being decided about. In such cases the importance of the indidvidual is not taken into consideration, wot how ever is taken into consideraton is - the financial arrangement and the people around the patient.

The life support system is useful to keep some one's bodily functions active when undergoing a surgery of some kind eg. heart, lung, bone marrow, etc. However, today it is also used by the persons' family when the patient is in a PVS or permanant vegetative state. In such cases the family members keep the individual alive in the hope of a miraculous recovery.

TERRI SCHIAVO lay in a Florida hospital, fed by a drip feed. She is on the ventilator.A faint smile seems to brush her lips as her mother touches her. Doctors say her brain has been destroyed, that these responses are unconscious and that she will never be able to interact with her surroundings. How ever to a lay man such reflexive emotions are real & it would be cruel to let go of such a person.

The story begins in February 1990. Mrs Schiavo, then 26, suffered a heart attack that caused massive loss of oxygen to the brain. She emerged in a “persistent vegetative state”—the common term for someone who does not respond consciously to their surroundings. At first, the family rallied behind her and each other. Michael, her husband, trained as a respiratory nurse in order to look after his wife. Mrs Schiavo moved back into the house shared by her husband and her parents, Bob and Mary Schindler.
Then the court cases began. At first they seem to have been a cause, as much as a reflection, of family disputes. Mr Schiavo sued his wife's gynaecologist for malpractice; the court found for Mr Schiavo and awarded him $1m. This sum seems to have started the feud. Husband and father-in-law had a blazing row about what it should be used for at Terri's bedside.

Over time her family thought that she was delighted to hear their voices & is reacting with a smile on her face & certain expressions, as opposed to fact they were mere reflex actions of the body that had nothing to do with emotion. CAT scan affirmed that her brain had been irrepairibly damaged & the emotions were reflexive & were a result of sparks in the subcortex.

However the ultimate deciosion was made on 2 imp facts- her husband by law had the right to decide & that on her garnd mother funeral lunch she told her hsband that if that ever happened to me the she shuld not be put on the ventilator when Mrs Schiavo's own thoughts on the matter were fished out of the past and presented .

A Florida court twice ordered Mrs Schiavo's feeding tube to be removed and Jeb Bush, the governor of Florida, overruled it.
Her “supporters” outside the Supreme Court last week, standing in silence with the word “Life” taped over their mouths, presumed to represent her views. She, dying slowly, had no views.

Eventuallytwo weeks after the tube was removed she died an extraordinary death. Cases such a terris have largly given way & complicated matters of Bioethics

Friday, March 25, 2005


GOA place to party, get drunk, make out, and ENJOY.
a must visit place not wid family or relatives but wid friends,
after my boards i left for goa by bus we left at 9 pm & reached our destination at 11 in the morning, not to mention about the delay & theuncomfortable journey, one would never expect it to be cold but this was worse we froze to death at night. my friend & i huddled together to keep our selves warm. we were 4 girls in a bus with capacity of 36.

thought the journey was long never ending & tiring, it was fun......

then finally we stepped out in the scorching sun with out hats & sun glares on, fully prepared for the heat and adventure.
we awaited our transport & meanwhile discussed our shopping, and all the while all i craved for was a swim in the sea water, & as luck had it my friends were non-swimmers :(.

the very first day we lazed around trying to get used to the heat, and caught on on our lost sleep, then we had some friends over made a variety of cocktails & booooooozed till we dropped dead & had a good nights sleep.
next dat was full of activity we went shopping & i blew up 600/- & shopped for all i could.& then walked down to BAGA beach it was a long walk & it was fun i swam while other frnds hired chairs & sat to sun bathe.

we came back & went shopping again to the saturday bazaar where we ate loads of different things & returned home. dressed up & went to Club Cubana, that was a bar + disc, with free alcohal & an entry of 4 grand. we daned all night & came back next morning at 5am.

the next day understandibly went in sleeping & a quiet evening with dancing & dinner at home.
late night we drove down to panjim & walked on the beach.

the next day we drove down to my friends grand moms place where we had the natve fish curry & rice for lunch which was very nice. there after went to the beach where we swam , did parasailing & went on the water scooter. ALL WELL thrilling & amazing.......

the day went by & we went shopping yet again & bought t shirts & bangles. and then went to a restaurant & boozed yet again. ate our dinner & stayed up all night celbrating our last day in goa
our holiday had ended & the next day we caught a train back to goa, which too was delayed:(.

i bought wine & fenny & came home & am now back to my usual lifestyle...........

Monday, February 21, 2005


Thaksin Shinawatra, present PM, before stepping onto the stand promised almost infactuous goals, that were widely critisized & ruled out as impossible to acheive within one term.

When in 2001 Mr. Thaksin took office, the economy grew by a scelrotic 2.1%.Banks were in debt & were not making any new loans, many bussinesses lay bankcrupt, and a large part of the population was unemployed.

Leader of the party Thai-Rak-Thai, has sucessfully formed a stable government & been in power for a full term, ie the first since Indonesian formed as a democracy, Thaksin has not only successfully revived the economy as a whole bringing the growth rate of the coutry to 6.8%, but has also fulfilled his promises of medical care just for 30 baht per consulatation ; debt relief for farmers;micro credit for villagers ; expansion of public transport ; free cows ; free education + haelthcare; pensions for the aged etc which proved very popoular amongst the general population.

He has also pledged to do away with poverty, drugs, & drought.
He is constantly launching ambitious schemes & settng improbably deadlines & sacking hapless officials who dont meet them.

Voters, used to short lived tentative governments , adore this "CEO style" of his . After December tsunami, he rushed to the scene and berated officials for their incompetancy & ordered speedy remedies, always in the view of the TV.

On one hand Mr. Thaksin has helped improve the general living conditions of the common man, but is also doing alot for his own companies that he originally transferred to cousin & relatives as required by law before taking up the office.

The biggest weakness in Mr. Thaksins econmic policy is the failure to adress the potential conflict of interest between his roles as a PM & as the head of Thailands wealthiest family.
Directly or indirectly Shin corporation has benefitted. The stockmarket valuation of most Shin corp. firms has risen astronomically during Mr Thaksins tenure; though shin corp argues that higher valuation relfects better managment.

Many industries not owned by Thaksin have lost their independancy & vigour, local media has as well lost vibrancy, the Shinawatra family has also bought Itv the only independant television channel & sacked many reporters.
The family of Thai Rak Thai as recently bought a big stake in The Nation , Thailands most outspoken newspaper.

Although 2000 alleged dealers were killed in his war of drugs he refuses to call it off, despite the claims of human rights activists that the police might have been involved .
Mr. Thaksin refused to condemn the police even when the police quelled a demostration of angry muslim youths but shooting 6 & packing the rest in a truck to tightly that 78 of then suffocated.
In anotherincident where several thais died of avian flu while Mr Thaksin denied that the disease existed in thailand.

Indeed mr. thaksins strenghts & weaknesses as a leader are inectricably linked, however his innovatives ideas & his stands to revive the indonesian economy are turning out to be worthwhile, considering that the economy as a whole is stabilising & growing.

Monday, February 14, 2005


The movie is a phenominal job by Sanjay Leela Bansali.
on one hand he makes lavish films like devdas, and on the other hand he makes movies like khamoshi & BLACK.

One would usually fail to notice one similarity in all his films, the DADS in the movie, the hitler for the kid.
in all his movies the father is represented as the devil, in Devdas the father sent him to the school to study abroad thus preventing him from enjoying a peaceful childhood,
in Black as well the father almost throws out the teacher out & is responsible for the cow bell,watch it to know it.

this similarity can be traced back to his own childhood where he never had a close relationship with his own father
so in all his films the BIG DADDY factor is an essential.